Running a Successful Citrus Program
Establish Your Prices
The prices we quote you will be the COST TO YOUR GROUP. You MUST ADD YOUR PROFIT ON TOP OF THESE PRICES to establish your Selling Prices.
If you have never sold citrus before, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RIVERSWEET REPRESENTATIVE before setting your prices. We will be able to give you a good idea as to what other groups are selling their fruit for. We will also help you insure that your prices are not set too low.
The amount of profit you add on is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU.
Make it a Group Effort
We recommend organizing your group so that individuals are selected for the following positions:
- Citrus Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Publicity Manager
- Sales Director
- Distribution Manager
- Team Captains

The responsibilities of each position are discussed in the Leaders Guide.
Conduct Your Sale
It is now time to go out into the community and solicit orders. Our Leader's Guide contains many suggestions on how to organize your selling efforts so that both households and businesses are canvassed.
The decision whether to collect payment up front when you receive an order, or to allow customers to pay for their order at the time it is delivered is entirely up to you. Having your customer prepay for their order will eliminate the possibility of your ordering fruit for people that may change their mind or be unable to pay you when the fruit arrives. It may however, reduce your sales volume. The decision is entirely up to you and should be an item that the group discusses.
Remember, we can prepare a web site for you that will allow your customers to order online and pay using major credit cards. Please just contact one of our fund raising counselors for more information regarding this service.
The Leader's Guide contains many suggestions on how to maximize your selling efforts, many of which have been passed on to us by the many groups that we serve.
Place Your Order
After you conclude your sale, you simply tabulate the amount of fruit sold and place your order with us. We can provide you with an Excel spreadsheet or manual tally sheets to assist you in this effort. We need to receive your order at least two weeks in advance of your desired delivery date. Please contact us for a range of potential delivery dates to your area.
When the truck arrives at your location, you can make arrangements for each salesperson to pick up the fruit that they sold and deliver it to their own customers. You can also let the community know when the fruit truck will arrive after we have informed you of the exact date and time. Then each customer can pick up the fruit that they ordered from your distribution location.
We encourage you to make certain that you distribute the fruit in as timely a manner as possible. Please also make you salespeople aware of the need to distribute the fruit to their customers as soon as possible.
Riversweet always color codes our cartons to make your distribution process much easier. Our cartons are color coded as follows:
- Navel Oranges - Orange Carton
- Red Grapefruit - Yellow Carton
- Orlando Tangelos - Blue Carton
- Juice Oranges - Green Carton
- Mixed Navels and Grapefruit - Purple Carton
Riversweet always includes an over shipment equal to one percent of your order to cover any fruit that may be damaged in transit. Most of our clients tell us that they do not have to use these cartons as they did not encounter spoilage and wind up selling these cartons as well.
That's It!
Payment for the fruit is not due until AFTER your shipment arrives (school groups only). Payments made within 10 days of delivery will qualify for a 1 PERCENT PROMPT PAYMENT REBATE. That is, if your check is postmarked within 10 days of delivery, we will send you a check equal to one percent of your order.
Its a simple process, It's easy and it's a lot of fun!
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